I took this pic. It's probably the coolest one I've ever taken.

Monday, April 21, 2008

The maiden voyage...

Welcome to the first posting of The Caffeine Buzz. Since the posts on this blog are all a result of postings on Cup O' Joe with Bill, I thought the title was only appropriate. The purpose of this blog is NOT to put my thoughts above anyone else who comments on Bill's page, but so I don't overload the comment space with my ramblings and musings... it's not my page, BUT this one is. :D I will still be participating in general discussion with comments, but now I can run with any rabbit trails or extended thoughts as I choose. So on with the show...

(Click on this posts title to be taken directly to the post on Cup O' Joe)
This was an intriguing scene to say the least. First of all, EXTREMELY well acted (I am a huge fan of theater both live and on the screen, ha). But what intrigued me the most was the comments by the chaplain and the reaction of the patient. I had to ask myself how I would react in that situation if I were the chaplain. What would I say? What would I say to anyone seeking answers for their life's path? I think the time we live in people are desperately seeking answers, but not just answers. They are seeking people who not only believe the answers they have to share, but those who live them as well. The world is tired of hearing "Christians" spout religious rhetoric with nothing to back it up... and it makes perfect sense. How can we offer anything if we don't live it? How can I claim that the person across from me choose Jesus as their Lord and Savior if I'm not. If I don't believe in God as absolute truth, how can I proclaim Him as God? If I don't love others, why should they believe me when I say Jesus loves them?

We can't give what we don't have. Period. Who would you rather go to for advice on raising kids? A parent who got C's in school or the genius high school freshman who almost at college level? Duh, right? Well who would a person seeking truth in God rather hear about Him from, a person who lives the love of God daily or the person who proclaims God on Sunday and gossips about coworkers on Monday? One of my favorite scriptures is Acts 3:6. The scene is at the temple gate and Peter and John are walking by a lame man. The lame man asks for some money and Peter's reply is "I don't have any money for you. But I'll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk!" (Acts 3:6 NLT) I'll give you what I do have. The lame man wasn't healed because Peter knew God could. He wasn't healed because someone had told Peter about healing. He was healed because Peter had the Spirit of the Living God in him. He lived what he preached. So the question becomes what do I have to offer? Do I have another list of things to do just like the self-help books? Do I have a bunch of good ideas and nice platitudes to offer? Or do I have the life that God gives freely flowing in me?

Now I'm not perfect and will never claim to be. Nor have I had a life that would qualify as extremely rough. And I don't have all the answers (If I did, then I'd be God, but that's another whole post in and of itself). But I have had my share of trials. And I've had my share of situations that I just don't understand. But I do know that God is God. That I love others because He loves them. That I love others because He loved me first, someone wholly undeserving of any love. I know that the Holy Spirit lives in me. The same Spirit that was in the apostles works in my life. And I know that He wants to work in every life I come in contact with. That I know. I know the truth and that is what I have to give.

God bless. For anyone who lasted through that entire thing I commend you. I strongly encourage you to read Cup O' Joe with Bill faithfully and join in on the conversation. Please feel free to share any thoughts you have, agreeing or disagreeing all are welcome, all I ask is that it be kept clean. (I only put the comment moderation on so I can filter out profanity and spam.) And I want to give a very special thanks to Bill Allison for everything he does and all that he means in my life. If you get a chance to hear him speak I strongly encourage it. He is on the short list of people who make up my "I am who I am in ministry because of..." list. He is an amazing man of God, an amazing father, an amazingly lucky husband (if you've met Stacy and her never ending patience you know EXACTLY what I mean, ha) and one of my dear friends. Thanks Bill and God bless.


  1. Well... I want to be the first comment on The Caffeine Buzz (love the name and the buzz I get from caffeine).

    I'm still gonna publish your comment so others can find you... and please feel free to leave this blog's URL in your comments on my blog... so people who are interested in ALL of your insights can track with you.

    You make me smile...


  2. Haha, thanks Bill... for everything. :D

  3. I like the Blog. Thanks for sharing! I will bookmark it. You have amazing insights.


